Discovering hidden basket making treasures of Bowermere Cottage Garden
Fantastic tips for Raffia Basket Making
A Basket Weaver’s Tale: Benita’s Experience with Baskets from the Garden
From garden to basket: using New Zealand Flax for weaving
Using Vines and Creeper for Basket Weaving
Fast Fibre - weave without waiting!
How to Prepare Plant Fibre for Weaving
Can I Dye Raffia to Weave a Raffia Basket ? A guide to adding colour.
Which plants can I use for basket making that grow in my area ?
Weaving Practice Projects - what are they?
How much raffia do I need to make a basket?
Unlikely plants to use in DIY basket making
Growing banana plants for basket making in a cooler climate
Natural dyeing techniques for fabric and raffia
My favourite plants to use in basketry
How to make a raffia basket
What is raffia? We discuss the material that basket makers love